On 11th March 1950 Dieter Schiele was born into an artistic family in Frankfurt am Main. Dieter’s father is a professional musician and is still actively performing today. They are closely related to the the famous Austrian artist – expressionist Egon Schiele.
As a child, Dieter enjoyed spending his free time drawing and painting the animals that inhabited the local forest. Upon his father’s wishes, Dieter first learned typesetting in the printing trade. Later on he learned the technical skills of draftsman and designer, which brought him even closer to his true vocation as an artistic-naturalistic painter.
At 27 he decided to devote himself entirely to naturalistic painting. His professional themes are wildlife, hunting, equine and horses.He also enjoys painting scenes from his beloved hobby of falconry.
The form of art Dieter Schiele creates is called “Old Masters” art. It came at the advent of the nearly lost art of oil glaze painting. Only the Old Masters took the time to apply up to seventeen layers of paint to their work, each layer completely drying before the next layer can e started. Each brush stroke has to be put back into the exact same place as the previous coat. This is tedious work but the results are outstanding.
By the end of the 1970’s, Dieter Schiele was being commissioned to do work for members of leading Royal and Noble families from Saudi Arabia, UAE, and throughout Europe.
Dieter’s work was on display at largely allended German exhibitions in Frankfurt, Dortmund, Essen, Hannover and Munich. Exhibitions abroad included Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Stockholm, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.
In 1998 Dieter Schiele was recognised by the German Hunters Association and was awarded the “Culture Prize” for his work.

The topics of his pictures speak of the uncontrollable, wild animal, that looks raised head’s, in all silence and full dignity, in all self-evident fact the observer. His majestic attitude, his direct look, lets ascend the feeling of his superiority and his independence in me. It is the inner freedom of the animal, that forces in me and the background in an in colour way synchronised to the body of the animal, that to be Imbedded into the initial living space, does not divert the look of the observer of the essential one. It is not possible, to get lost in the secondary one and nevertheless the secondary one did not disappear to the look of the painter.
It is the look of the animal, mine enthrals attention and the tightened tendons and muscles, the jump willingness or the animal stationary in themselves that trusts let me concentrated to the centre of the picture look.
Dieter squints is materialist, which furnished itself nature familiarly made and its life thereafter. Its work is at the same time its life and expression of its love and gratitude in relation to the things, which surround it.
Dieter Schiele passes on his splendid experience in
drawing and time classes.